Indie rock bands are all the rage in the current musical industries. Although they started a few decades ago, they are very much still in style. For example, Green was an indie rock band that originated in 1984. With well-known figures such as Ken Kurson, being part of it, the band is still very much active today. They were based out of Chicago, Illinois, and have labels such as Gang Green Records, Pravda Records, Megasdisc Records, and B Track Records.
The band was started by vocalist and guitarist Jeff Lescher, bass and backup vocalist John Diamond, and drums, John Valley. The goal of the band was to develop a stable fan base so that they could grow to be well-known rock stars. In fact, they certainly took the Chicago area by storm and had heavy popularity in the Midwest. They did live shows, national tours, and were reviewed by major magazines. After releasing the seventh album in 2009, a lot has changed for the band. Members flowed in and out and with that so did different styles of music. Jeff Lescher was very well known for his amazing vocals and that carried that band so many years forwards. Ken Kurson, John Valley, John Diamond, and more ended up leaving as different opportunities arose. With bands like Green, there is so much that can change in such little amounts of time. The beauty of music is that it evolves with the current times and can also reflect the past in a magnitude of ways.