Wind energy helps reduce the carbon footprint left from vehicles and machinery as it does not require fossil fuel to generate electricity. Fossil fuels produce CO2 when burning which consequently elevates air temperature. CO2 gets trapped in the atmosphere and terrains transforming the concentration of the natural air and soils.
This brings the whole of our world to melting ice, flora fading and, no less important, to the risk of all living species’ extinction. This is an important factor for saving the planet’s flora and fauna diversity.
As a result, melting ice increases the sea level and floods lowland borderlines.
Wind energy is among the most advantageous ways of preventing the green gas effect formation. Clean energy reduces anthropogenic impact on climate change through the use of a non-trace source of energy.
While electricity production from fuel requires more oil extraction, wind is always out there at zero cost.
Unlike flammable fuels, wind energy is risk-free and safe. What is more, wind turbines do not need water or other substances to continue operating. It is assumed that the use of electricity produced by wind farms will save about thirty trillion bottles of water in the US by 2030.
It should be emphasized that wind turbines do not need fuel for operation but they require a certain amount of fuel and electricity during construction and sometimes at maintenance – in fact, these are probably the only periods when traditional resource consumption is needed. Despite this fact wind turbines consume exceptionally small amounts of main powerline electricity compared to other means of electricity generation.
Wind energy is much cheaper than fuel sources. Besides that, wind turbines have lower operational costs compared to central power stations. This allows for a more meaningful approach in hiring. Contrary to popular belief, wind farms create more job opportunities than some expect them to due to the extensively increasing popularity of wind farms and the wind energy market in general.
Another compelling argument to support wind farming is that anyone interested in starting their wind farm is eligible to do it, sufficient finance provided. What is more, small wind turbines such as WTW-55 or Montana are probably the easiest way for entrepreneurs, farmers and small businesses to enter the wind energy market since they require much less permission unlike big wind turbines or central power generation systems.
Downsides or, better say, things to mind before starting a wind farm are the national noise level regulations, volume of investment required for construction and wind conditions in a certain area.
While noise level regulations and volume of investment can be projected and added to wind farm operational expenses, wind conditions are of a much higher importance. A wind farm should be located in a wide, open area with as few obstacles as possible, with strong, continuous wind flow of predictable direction. This requires preliminary research of available land lots over a period of time. Alternatively a wind-farmer-to-be may opt from a wide range of small and large wind turbines, with horizontal or vertical axis orientation depending on actual wind conditions. Such research is crucial for doing a profitable business, otherwise a wind farmer is more likely to be below desired revenue.