A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can happen at any time. Some of the most common accidents in which someone might suffer a traumatic brain injury include motor vehicle collisions, slip and fall events, and even contact sports such as football, soccer, and basketball. A traumatic brain injury is also one of the most common reasons why someone might seek the help of a personal injury lawyer. When someone suffers a traumatic brain injury, it is important to note that the severity of the injury will vary depending on its type. There are a few common types of traumatic brain injuries that everyone should know.
One of the most common types of traumatic brain injuries is a concussion. A concussion takes place when a blow to the head causes a temporary change in the way in which the brain processes information. Importantly, a loss of consciousness does not have any bearing on whether or not a concussion is diagnosed. A concussion is a TBI that does not lead to any obvious damage on imaging scans. At the same time, concussions can still be serious affirms mainorwirth.com. Repeated concussions can lead to the development of something called CTE, which stands for chronic traumatic encephalopathy. This is a form of dementia and is tied to repeated blows to the head, common in football and boxing.
Another common type of traumatic brain injury is called a cerebral contusion. This is a bruise of the brain. This bruise should be evident on imaging scans. While most people will still make a full recovery following this type of traumatic brain injury, this isn’t always the case. Some types of cerebral contusions can lead to residual disabilities that require the attention of medical specialists. This is why it is important for anyone who suffers a blow to the head to seek medical care as quickly as possible.
In some cases, a blow to the head can even lead to a brain bleed. There are multiple types of brain bleeds. Some of the most common include an epidural hematoma, a subdural hematoma, and a subarachnoid hemorrhage. All of them are serious and some of them might even require emergency surgery. The reason why emergency surgery is required following a brain bleed is that individuals are at risk of suffering something called a cerebral herniation. This is the movement of brain tissue within the confines of the skull. It can lead to permanent nerve damage that might even be fatal.
These are a few of the most common types of traumatic brain injuries. It is critical for everyone to seek medical care as quickly as possible. Then, consider seeking the help of a personal injury lawyer.