When starting a blog, remember to make sure you’re ready to do so. There are so many parts that file into having a successful platform. For example, expert Ken Kurson says that a writer should have a few weeks of content prepared before posting. The biggest hurdle to jump over, when starting, is consistency and not procrastinating.
By having loads of content stocked up and ready to go, bloggers can gain followers. If they post just in the first few days, then stop, audiences may lose interest and go to other blogs. In addition, finding ad sponsorship is a great way to make money off of blogs. By having ads on the left and right sides on your domain, more traffic will flood to your website. The more vies a blog gets, the more likely it is to spread and rank higher on Google.Lastly, the design and layout of a website is a huge part of the blog. By designing an appealing website more viewers are likely to enjoy the content being created. Make sure to add pictures, bios, additional links, social media, and anything else that makes your blog stand out. Having cohesive coloring is also very important. Ken Kurson recommends going to a professional web developer or talking to a graphic designer about a logo.