Now that the Delta variant of COVID is making both employers and employees question their previous ideas about bringing everyone back in the office together, this adds a new ripple in the story of the already complex world of cyber security. When your workforce is so distributed, there are many more vulnerable points of entry that the would-be attackers can infiltrate your business networks. Whether it is phishing emails, social engineering, spearfishing, or ransomware, there are a multitude of threats against you around the clock. It’s time for the future of networking.
Is there any hope to secure the remote workforce of the future? The traditional VPN is not enough and is often very slow making it difficult for our users to work efficiently and productively in a remote environment. It is time to build the network of the future from the ground up, using a SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) framework.
The rise of remote work is here to stay – we must remain vigilant against cyber attacks to keep our distributed workforce safe and secure. Get ready to spend more for protection and the future of networking done right. Learn more on how you can keep your office safe, secure, and speedy in the visual deep dive below: