Remote work solves a lot of the problems seen by the modern worker. No more time wasted commuting back and forth, no downtime, just an objective. Interestingly though, remote work reveals exactly how little a worker may do during the average shift. While remote workers report feeling happier and more productive, like every worker, they can be unproductive.
Time tracking is an interesting solution to this problem. Time tracking in some capacity has been around for decades. Although paper timesheets lose billions of dollars daily to forgotten logs. Instead, more modern and robust solutions are being implemented. Things like GPS for delivery workers and facial recognition for remote workers.
Employees weekly spend up to four hours on unproductive tasks. Things like checking email, nonwork activities, and pointless calls and meetings. Time tracking serves to help employees, not by blaming them for these times, but by pointing them out. Unproductive calls and meetings, for example, may be solved by an employer. There’s a lot of bureaucracy to many jobs, and having a physical log to it can help an employer change.
So while remote work is a definite net positive, it still has issues. Time tracking is a great solution to a number of these issues. Remote workers don’t have to or want to be unproductive, but it can be hard to avoid. Instead of blaming these workers, finding the times and changing them can be really helpful.