Learning By Doing: The Optimum Form of Education

Child, Kid, Play, Study, Color, Learn, Knowledge

Education has been evolving alongside civilisations for thousands of years and regardless of the era, education must equip the population for life in their time. In the Middle Ages, education was largely practical and for the average farming children, they would learn everything they needed to know out in the fields. In the late 20th century, education became a focus for governments of developed countries, who needed a diverse range of skillsets in their workforce and traditional schools evolved, teaching separate subjects, with regular examinations to measure student learning.

The 1970s and 80s

During these decades, education became less teacher and more student-centred, giving the learner all the support they need to fulfil their potential. Active learning is now regarded as the best way for children to learn and there are many schools that follow Rudolph Steiner’s approach to learning, which is experiential in nature and this involves active learning strategies that empower the learner. Global education forums enabled educators from all over the world to exchange concepts and best practices and active learning began to spread to the four corners of the world.

International School Education

A school that promotes active learning is https://www.standrewssukhumvit.com/ an international school in Bangkok with an excellent academic record and with a British curriculum and British teachers, the standard of education is very high. The UK National Curriculum is globally regarded as the best in the world and using project-based learning, the students develop all the tools they need to becomes successful adults.

A Different Style of Teaching

When the traditional teacher was introduced to active learning, it was quite difficult to make the transition, as the teacher is used to instructing the students at the front of the class, whereas, with learning by doing, the teacher is more of a facilitator than an instructor. The facilitator asks the right questions and guides the group to where they need to go and when they get stuck, the facilitator helps out and this style of teaching requires training. Today, all of the teacher training colleges would use active learning strategies in order to produce teachers who fully understand child-centered learning and are equipped to assist the students in every way. This style of education encourages entrepreneurialism and here are some of the best countries for a business start up, which might help you with a new business venture.

Hands-On Approach

Let’s take changing the wheel of a car as an example; you could draw diagrams and explain how to do this task many times, but the learner would gain little knowledge from the experience; if, however, you took the student to the car and they watched you change the wheel, then were given the opportunity to carry out the task themselves, the learning outcome is much better. Experiential, or hands-on learning has been proven to be much more effective than the passive, traditional way of teaching and this is the way the curriculum is delivered in an international school.

Learning by doing is by far the most effective way to learn anything and as we have moved away from the traditional classroom type of learning to one that is more student centered, the learning outcome is improved.