Divorce is a difficult and painful thing. And the reality is that there’s no exact, one-checklist-fixes-all kind of solution. Every individual is going to go through their own process of healing and moving on.
To aid in that effort, we’re here to provide you with some ideas. While you may not find yourself following each one to the letter, use them as inspiration for your own ideas to help you heal and move on.
Emotional Things to Take Care of After A Divorce
A divorce can lead to months or even years of emotional rollercoasters. Take a look at some suggestions that could help you recover emotionally from your divorce:
- Find a Support Group or Get a Therapist: Finding someone impartial who you can talk to about your divorce can really help you answer the questions you have and get closure. Find one-on-one help with a therapist or seek out a local or virtual support group.
- Have a Plan for the Money: It might seem odd to connect emotions with money, but having a secure financial plan will enable you to focus on emotional healing. Making a plan for your finances is highly important. Divorces can change financial situations drastically, so it’s really vital that you figure out at least a basic plan. Understand what your income is going to look like from here on out and budget accordingly.
- Put Yourself First: This can look different for just about everyone, but figuring out ways to put yourself first and taking much-needed time will really help you feel grounded during what is typically a tumultuous period of life.
- Avoid “Woe is Me”: Feeling sorry for yourself is part of the healing process, but if that aspect is allowed to drag on for years, it will detrimentally affect you. Don’t make the pain of your divorce who you are.
Actions to Take After a Divorce
Take a look at our suggestions of physical, action-based items you can do that will help you focus on something other than your divorce.
- Take a Vacation: Go somewhere new or somewhere you love. Traveling is a great way to take your mind off a divorce.
- Try Something New: Go skydiving, try fishing for the first time, or enter some sort of contest. Push yourself outside your boundaries and go experience new things.
- Read: Reading books can teach you new things, help you develop empathy for others, and broaden your thoughts and perspectives. You can even try reading books by noted therapists who might have an idea or two for you to consider.
- Start Your Own Projects: Starting and finishing your own projects will help you feel accomplished and give your mind something else to focus on. Maybe you can work on that squeaky bike tire or start your own garden.
- Sell Your Wedding Ring: Another great, but optional, step in moving on after a divorce is to sell your wedding ring. Wedding bands or engagement rings can often serve as painful reminders of a past relationship that is now no more. Selling your ring can help free you of painful memories and provide you with fiscal gain that can be put toward projects, vacations, or other needs.
Take Your Time
Finally, don’t push yourself into something new before you’re ready. In some ways, the death of a marriage is like any other death. Grieving is a process, and it can’t be rushed. Take the time you need to heal and build a new life. It’ll be worth it in the end.