Drawing For Kids is an anthropomorphic beagle named Snoopy who serves as Charles Brown’s pet canine in the Charles M. Schulz comic strip Peanuts. Despite debuting in the late 1950s, Snoopy is still regarded as one of the most recognized cartoon characters.
Due to Snoopy’s huge popularity, there have been many requests for a free Snoopy drawing tutorial. Consequently, the following Drawing For Kids tutorial breaks down how to sketch Snoopy into 9 simple steps with clear illustrations.
Enjoy yourself, and use your creativity!
Snoopy Illustration
- To start, sketch an oversized U-shaped curved line representing Snoopy’s ear. The ear should be drawn on the top left side of your paper to give Snoopy’s complete head and body enough room.
- To guarantee that Snoopy is drawn in the center of your paper, draw a horizontal and vertical line that intersects.
- As a consequence, your paper should now be divided into four squares. Snoopy’s ear should be drawn in the upper left corner of your paper.
- Step two is to draw Snoopy’s cranium in outline form.
- Start by drawing a large U-shaped curvy line to represent Snoopy’s ear. The ear should be drawn on the top left side of your paper to give Snoopy’s complete head and body enough room.
- To guarantee that Snoopy is drawn in the center of your paper, draw a horizontal and vertical line that intersects.
- As a consequence, your paper should now be divided into four squares. Snoopy’s ear should be drawn in the upper left corner of your paper.
- Rough Body Sketch of Snoopy
- Directly below the skull, draw an elongated shape with a round bottom. Make sure the lower part of your body is wider than the upper.
- When drawing Snoopy’s midsection, be careful not to press the pencil down too hard. When drawing Snoopy’s torso, it’s important to use light strokes so that any extra lines that overlap afterward can be readily removed.
- Draw Snoopy’s left limb next.
- Snoopy’s midsection should have two short parallel lines at the bottom. This is what makes up Snoopy’s left leg.
- Next, create a sideways oval shape with a flat bottom below the leg to represent the foot.
- Do not forget to depict the spaces between Snoopy’s claws on his foot with two curved lines!
- Next, sketch Snoopy’s right limb.
- We sketched the right leg next to the leg in the step before.
- Due to the way, Snoopy faces in the picture, only a portion of this limb should be visible.
- Draw Snoopy’s Visible Arm.
- Snoopy’s left limb should be drawn as an extended U-shaped curve on the dog’s side.
- Then, at the base of the arm, draw two tiny, curved lines to create three unique paws.
- Next, sketch Snoopy’s Pointed Tail.
- Snoopy’s lower back should be linked to a brief, pointed form.
- One of Snoopy’s most distinguishing features is his elongated tail.
- Draw the nose and collar of Snoopy. Next
- Snoopy can look fancy by wearing a necklace around its neck. Snoopy’s neck is traced in a narrow, horizontal form to create the collar.
- To depict the nose, draw a semicircle directly connected to the edge of Snoopy’s face. Snoopy faces the right side, so the snout should be attached to the right edge, as shown in the illustration.
- Now give Snoopy some facial features.
- To complete Snoopy’s look, we will draw each feature of his face separately. Working your way down from the top, create a small, upright oval shape for the eye. Then completely cover your eyes to impart emotion.
- Make a circular shape inside Snoopy’s ear next. To create the appearance of an inside ear, the shape must be parallel to the ear’s contour.
- You have successfully drawn Snoopy, so there you are. Finally, the part you have probably been looking forward to the most is here: coloring Snoopy.
- Snoopy’s clothing is white. Snoopy, on the other hand, has some black physical features, such as his nose, ears, and a spot on his back.
- You can color Snoopy using his native hues or a custom color scheme.