It is all too commonplace to make an exciting purchase and soon come to the realization you do not have the adequate funds to pay for the item in full. Then the hassle of interest fees and late fees begin to loom over your head and before you know it, the fees stack up and soon you are paying more for the fees than the actual item itself. Opy is here to help with that.
Opy is a highly differentiated payment solution platform that provides consumers with payment options for unexpected purchases. Opy believes in giving consumers more time to pay for what they need. The payment plans are designed around a customer’s pay schedule so they don’t have to worry about always having sufficient funds.
A survey conducted in January 2022 asked 1,000 participants their opinion on Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) when it came to making payments for dental care and veterinarian expenses over traditional payment methods such as credit card, debit and cash. According to the survey, 69% of Americans worry about future dental costs. Similarly, around 66% of U.S pet owners are also concerned about future veterinarian costs.
More than half of those surveyed said they had utilized BNPL as an alternative to traditional payment methods. In addition to payment flexibility, 30% of pet parents appreciated the BNPL benefit of avoiding credit card fees and interest and 22% appreciated the fair, fixed rates. While the survey specifically focused on dental and veterinary costs, it is safe to say that the option to BNPL will expand to other sectors of the consumer market. Learn more about the benefits of BNPL and see if it may be the right payment option for you in the infographic below.