How Kentucky Is Producing More College Graduates Through Adult Learners

Currently in Kentucky, nearly 55% of all residents are college graduates. Of the nearly 1.4 million adults who do not have this credential, around 464,000 have enrolled in college but were never able to actually attain any degree or credential. But what kind of factors were holding them back?

Firstly, 48% of adult learners have children. Between 2019 and 2021, just under 16,000 childcare centers will close across the country. Couple this with the fact that childcare will cost $6,411 annually as of 2023. This can make things like attending classes and affording tuition very difficult for adult learners. In a similar vein, 58% of full-time undergraduates hold a job and 79% of part-time undergraduates are working. This compounds the childcare issues and can also make attending classes and affording college very difficult.

Fortunately, the state of Kentucky is providing resources to help these adult learners specifically. Firstly, they offer adult learners their unique opportunity which means they can help support each other and provide reliable solutions. They also provide a childcare solutions network and professional development exchange to train and support adult learners in their transition to college. Ultimately, regardless of age, getting a degree is very important, and the state of Kentucky is going to effectively boost graduation rates.

Pathways to Prosperity for Kentucky Adults
Source: Kentucky Student Success Collaborative