Radio and Podcasts

The radio is one of the first ways to communicate at a national level. It has been transformational for many people because it was available for everyone prior to the era of television. Now, things are obviously very different. Journalists, like Ken Kurson, still use radio as a means of communication. However, now that podcasts

How to Keep Clean

In order to keep a tidy home or workspace, there are certain tasks that have to be accomplished. Many clean people like Benjamin Harow, like to maintain an organized space for those tasks to be accomplished smoothly. When a person is organized, they are much more progressive and complete assignments diligently.  There are many ways

Are Open Houses Safe

Open houses are going to be very different from how they were previously held. Prior to the pandemic, people could easily pop into an open house, unannounced, and greet everyone without fearing a contagious illness. Now, realtors like Shalom Lamm, have been extremely cautious when curating open houses. Their home that is for sale has


People like Alexander Djerassi have seen sunsets in their lives. Sunsets really move people because of their beauty and natural existence. Everything about a sunset is organic and not planned. The earth is full of magnificent horizons and whenever someone has the chance to chase a sunset, it’s highly recommended. The sun is a very

Is wind energy competitive?

Wind energy helps reduce the carbon footprint left from vehicles and machinery as it does not require fossil fuel to generate electricity. Fossil fuels produce CO2 when burning which consequently elevates air temperature. CO2 gets trapped in the atmosphere and terrains transforming the concentration of the natural air and soils.  This brings the whole of

History in 2020

Historians like Shalom Lamm are doing their best to keep up with the current events of society. Millions of people have been affected by the coronavirus and are doing their best to maintain good spirits. However, historians are having a difficult time digesting all this information into books.  Previously, the current events could be considered