What is Charity by Shlomo Rechnitz

You have probably heard of several huge global charities such as OXFAM International and UNICEF. It is possible that during your lifetime you have probably donated to these charities simply by throwing loose change in a box or can sitting on your local supermarket counter, Shlomo Rechnitz. Did you know that according to CharityFacts.com there

sanctions against Russia

What the Sanctions Against Russia Mean for You

When Russia threatened world peace and invaded Ukraine, the United States and its allies declared a financial war on Russia.  These reactions came in the form of sanctions, which are non-violent restrictions that may influence or penalize the actions of a particular country.   The United States, European Commission, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and

The Five Steps of Emergency Management

Emergency Management covers a range of different disaster events, but there is more to this role than meets the eye. The job itself encompasses more than solely being in charge of an emergency. A person in this position must be able to think on their feet and follow multiple procedures in order to successfully execute

What To Do In Montana

Are you looking for some time out in nature by camping, or looking to enjoy the beauty of the mountains on a horseback trip in Yellowstone? You’re not alone. One of the best things about Yellowstone National Park is that there are many different activities you do based on your hobbies and interests. Here are

4 Tips for Staying Independent as You Age

4 Tips for Staying Independent as You Age

For many of us aging can be quite the challenge, we’ve got from the peak of our lives and slowly we decline physically until basic things can become somewhat of a challenge. If you’re anything like me then you really value independence, and while there are many benefits to assisted living, there’s something special about